The opposition to our proposal continues to raise objections to the National Park and Prserve based on misinformation and lack of understanding of our proposal . Below, are our response to these concerns.
The proposal is for a resdesignation of the current Federal land in the Delaware Water Gap from a “National Recreation Area to a “National Park and Lenape Preserve.” No additional land will be required.
Fishing will not be affected.
Hunting will be allowed in the Preserve portion of the park. That means 50-55,000 acres will be open for hunting.
The Alliance views hunting as an important wildlife managment tool.
The National Recreation Area is already facing population pressures from the growth of towns around the park and increased visitation due to publicity on the internet, social media and word of mouth.
The question is not whether the park user population will grow, but whether the growth will overwhelm the roads and facilities of the park. A well funded and planned park system will be prepared for the growth.
Unfortunately, the lack of funding has already affected users in many ways ranging from a lack of road maintenance, and law enforcement to overcrowded or closed facilities. This has resulted in environmental , safety , and sanitation issues caused by visitors creating their own “personal recreation spaces” near the Delaware river and elsewhere in the park.
The Alliance is proposing no entrance fees for the park just as is done in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park,. Fees will be charged (as they are now) for river beach faciliies and boat launch parking on the Pennsylvania side of the river.
New projects are the decision of the National Parl Service. The National Park designation will require any new development to meet more stringent environmental standards than are currently required.
The Alliance has made every effort to reach out to all tribal groups with an interest in the establishment of a Lenape Preserve.